Cory Juneau

Professional skateboarder & Olympic medalist - San Diego
"Self-expression is a big part of my job, of my passion. For me, it’s a value – something that makes you get out of bed every day. And Golden shares this belief of mine. That’s one of the many reasons why our paths crossed".
At first sight, it might seem that Golden and I share our unconditional love for skateboarding. Well, that too. But you know, there’s more than that. We both believe in the power of self-expression – a value that unites us no matter the field. Skateboarding, art, fashion – the topic is not relevant; what matters is enabling people to discover their creativity and share their story. For me, that’s essential: I always approach life with a smile on my face. Even on my board, I always try to have a positive attitude – no matter how many times I might fall when I’m skateboarding. If you’ve got drive and you’re passionate, you’ll always find a way to get up.