The Board of Directors sets our direction and provides strategic guidance on sustainability. Our current Board of Directors consists of 12 members (3 Executive and 8 Non-Executive Directors), of which 25% are women, including the Chairwoman.
We believe that a Board made up of members of different ethnicity, gender, and age, and with diverse skills, professional experiences, and cultural backgrounds, can enable an international company such as Golden Goose to make the best decisions possible.BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS
The Board of Statutory Auditors, consisting of 5 external members (3 Statutory Auditors and 2 Alternate Auditors), is responsible for ensuring the independence of external auditors and for verifying compliance with all applicable regulatory provisions.
The Auditing Firm is the external supervisory body appointed by the Shareholders' General Meeting to audit the Company's financial statements. The auditing of accounts has been entrusted for a duration of three financial years, starting from 2023, to EY S.p.A, which is listed in the special register held by CONSOB.